Take that Leap into Private Practice | Therapist Practice in a Box

Take that Leap into Private Practice


The other day a coaching client called me to let me that she had made it, that she broke through that ceiling into the six figures. Wow, what an accomplishment for her. I remember breaking into the six figures and how thrilled and excited I was. We believe that if we break that mark, we have arrived, and rightfully so. That is a hard wall to break through. I remember once I finally broke that barrier I became more confident, assured and I had obtained higher business skills. I also became more determined to repeat my actions year after year.

When this coaching client and I first started working together, she was trying to decide to leave a full-time job with benefits into the unknown of starting a private practice. Her fears were validated as she had a husband, two small children, a house and car payment and great health insurance. I suspect that many of you have been there or you might be contemplating that decision to become your own boss. I know that when I made that leap, it was a hard decision to leap into the unknown. I knew I could do it I was just worried that it wasn’t the “right time;” whatever that means is there ever the right time? Deciding to quit your day job and start your own business is right up there with other major life decisions like getting married, joining the military, buying a house, or deciding to have a baby.


Sometimes we take a leap and it works out perfectly.


However, what if it doesn’t?


After all, you could be responsible for causing financial hardship to your family. You might look bad to your professional peers, friends or family if you fail. You would feel guilty, shameful, embarrassed, and defeated and worse of all you might even give up on your dream.


But what if you were to make it? How many people could you effect in a positive way? How much money could bring? What would you do with it if you had it? Would you also create more personal time to spend with family and friends? Think about it, being your own boss would it provide you with the freedom to travel or volunteer somewhere?  What if you could actually, get paid for doing what you love. What if….


When my coaching clients and I managed to take that leap we were ultimately betting on us. At some point as you decided to leap you have to bet on you. You must take a chance on you. I see this as a terrific opportunity, and who better to tackle it than you. This is your dream, you see it, you can feel it in your bones, you plan for it and maybe just maybe you even take a few baby steps. Think about it. What if you made it?


I am not saying it does not take hard work or that you won’t have a few bumps along your path, trust me you will.


However, what’s important here is really simple take some action.


Any action no matter how small!  Come on put your toe into the water. For us to sore we must take flight, we must feel the fear and still take action. You must believe in you.  There comes a time when you just know that nothing is going to stop you despite all odds, that you are going to try even if you fail. You have developed the resolve to Just Do It as the Nike commercial says. Let me point something out to you.  You have done hard things before you have a track record of success. Why should going into business be any different? You didn’t know therapy interventions either before school. What you had in school were peers that believed in you, teachers and mentors to encourage you. Building your private practice, you can use the same methods, find your tribe of peers that will encourage you and push you. Find others in the field that you can use as mentors, or hire a coach. You do not have to do this alone.


Lastly, have realistic expectations my coaching client didn’t break through that ceiling the first year, most of us don’t. However, that first year she increased her revenue by 1/3 enough to offset the cost of purchasing her own insurance. Plus, she had much more flexibility in her schedule that she now found time to volunteer at her children’s school and go to yoga.


As we round the corner in 2018, I hope you start taking that small action to fulfill your dream. You can do this you can. If you need help and we all do at times, contact me and let’s work on your first $100,000.

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© 2017-2018 All rights reserved, Therapist Practice in a Box, Sherry Shockey-Pope, LMFT


  1. It’s good to know how to make a private practice work. I like how you said that it’s hard to leap into the unknown, but it can definitely work out. It also makes sense that you need to have realistic expectations, and expect to lose some money in the beginning.

    1. Ridley,

      That is why planning is so important. You need to plan for the unexpected and often even better things come.

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