Therapist Practice in a Box - Guide to Building a Successful Practice | Blog: From The Box | 951-842-0365

Are you ready for 2021?!

We have all seen the funny memes about 2020 with a happy couple strolling on a beautiful beach looking perfect with the caption “2020 planning”. The next photo has the same couple looking disheveled and dirty in their underwear and bathrobes, with their kids at the computers in the background lay across their chairs looking defeated, and the caption...

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The impact on Clinicians, when clients die by suicide.

The Psychiatric Times reported working with fragile clients or clients in the time of Covid-19, is an occupational hazard, where we know there is a possibility of patient suicide. Knowing this, will help us to prepare and anticipate the types of support we may need to weather the “event”. Although, death by suicide and incidences of suicides are most common among active-duty and returning home...

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Make sure you business is SAFE

I am not trying to scare you but only remind you about a few things that could jeopardize your business.Let’s get right into it, here are my top 5:   1. Are you still legally licensed? A few days ago, I heard of a local therapist that was in trouble with the California Licensing Board (BBS) because they hadn’t kept records...

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Not The Day Planned

As we enter into a new decade of 2020 there is a great deal of hyper-focus on organizing, planning, goal setting, and creating vision boards. We spend hours with our planners, create to-do lists and of course, we prioritize our goals. I think these are all wonderful tools to help us with our practice and with life. However, what...

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Do you have the right forms?

Before you can see your first client you will need paperwork. If you are using an Electronic Medical Record (EMR) i.e. TheraNest, SimplePractice or TheraNotes, you may not need all the forms because these systems have the essential paperwork all ready for you to use. However, I would recommend if possible, to customize the forms to fit your particular...

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