Just Get Started | Therapist Practice in a Box

Just Get Started

We are never 100% ready to complete the big tasks in life like buying a house, having a baby, getting married, or taking that first job. However, along the way, we found just enough courage to take that plunge and “just move forward.” That not to say there was no hesitation, fear or worry there was, and you just pushed on. Starting a business is very similar to those other life events, and there is always hesitation when we start something new. When we first start our business, we don’t think that we know a lot. In fact, we’re always looking for more education, or we take a poll finding out what other people are doing.  You have the knowledge!  You have been through new stuff before, at some point you can’t keep that one toe in the water, you have to jump in. You have earned that degree, you have written many papers and sat and listened to clients; you got all that information in your head, ready to go. Now it’s time to trust the process and just get started.

Our business is not going to be perfect, but nothing ever is. We only get better at what we are doing the more times we practice. Whether you’re writing a blog, creating paperwork, sitting in front of a client for the first time or the second time, we will get better, and we will build confidence. Pulitzer-prize winning author Charles Duhigg explained in his book The Power of Habit that once we get a routine down and our neurons have wired together, we get better at what we do. There is a learning curve for all of us. Trust in the process, trust that you know what to do and then trust that if you don’t know, you will figure out the steps you need to take.

It’s okay that we don’t know everything and I think sometimes we feel unworthy when we are starting we say things like “I’m only an associate,” or “I’m only a practicum student,” or “I’m only just graduated” or “I only_________________(fill in the blank).” When we think “I’m only,” it limits ourselves and takes away our power and creativity. Of course, we’re not going to know everything when we first start. I sure did make plenty of mistakes. I paid too much for supplies, ordered software that I didn’t need, said awkward things at networking events and did my bookkeeping. That is another story for another day. The only criteria I have for my mistakes is I must learn from each and every one. Then I regroup and move on no more dwelling on that mistake.

I trust in the process, and I ask you to trust too. Just be you the more you’re you, the more that you come into the room with your passion, excitement, and with your energy the better therapist you’re going to be and better businessperson you will be. Put the same passion and energy into your business and just get started. If it doesn’t work out, you start over; you do something different the next time around. We will never know it all ever, and there’s always somebody who’s going to know more than we do no matter what and it’s okay. Just do you, step up do the activities that you need to do and learn from mistakes, modified and regroup if necessary and then do the whole thing again.

Don’t let fear trample your confidence, take that step to be bold and be courageous even if you don’t feel like it. Stand up….yes stand right now as you read this. Stand and puff out that chest, put your hands on your waist, be bold confident, be Superman for at least 30 seconds. You do know that this does trigger a biological, hormonal response in your body of more confidence.? I want you so confident that you become willing to just get started.  To trust in you, to make mistakes and keep on going. We must walk through our fears. We will not die, it might feel like it at times, but I promise you it will be alright.

Just get started the world needs more healers, and we all have work to do. If you need more information or need a little coaching on creating your business sign up here.

Now go, get started we have work to be done!

Check out also my video on Just Get Started.

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