Burnout Archives | Therapist Practice in a Box

The impact on Clinicians, when clients die by suicide.

The Psychiatric Times reported working with fragile clients or clients in the time of Covid-19, is an occupational hazard, where we know there is a possibility of patient suicide. Knowing this, will help us to prepare and anticipate the types of support we may need to weather the “event”. Although, death by suicide and incidences of suicides are most common among active-duty and returning home...

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Not The Day Planned

As we enter into a new decade of 2020 there is a great deal of hyper-focus on organizing, planning, goal setting, and creating vision boards. We spend hours with our planners, create to-do lists and of course, we prioritize our goals. I think these are all wonderful tools to help us with our practice and with life. However, what...

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Shouldn’t We Just Be Generalist?

There is a great deal of talk in therapist groups, social media or business building books that talk about finding a niche. However, in graduate school I was told that we should really be a generalist and take the clients that come to us, after all, they chose us, right? One of my graduate professors even told our class...

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