Group Practice Archives | Therapist Practice in a Box

The impact on Clinicians, when clients die by suicide.

The Psychiatric Times reported working with fragile clients or clients in the time of Covid-19, is an occupational hazard, where we know there is a possibility of patient suicide. Knowing this, will help us to prepare and anticipate the types of support we may need to weather the “event”. Although, death by suicide and incidences of suicides are most common among active-duty and returning home...

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Make sure you business is SAFE

I am not trying to scare you but only remind you about a few things that could jeopardize your business.Let’s get right into it, here are my top 5:   1. Are you still legally licensed? A few days ago, I heard of a local therapist that was in trouble with the California Licensing Board (BBS) because they hadn’t kept records...

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