therapy tools Archives | Therapist Practice in a Box

Make sure you business is SAFE

I am not trying to scare you but only remind you about a few things that could jeopardize your business.Let’s get right into it, here are my top 5:   1. Are you still legally licensed? A few days ago, I heard of a local therapist that was in trouble with the California Licensing Board (BBS) because they hadn’t kept records...

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HIPAA Compliant

HIPAA What’s All the Fuss?

Recently I was working with a new business owner and I asked about her HIPAA statement. She looked at me with terror and fear in her eyes. She then said, “Do I really have to follow HIPAA?” “I don’t really understand what it is.”  She is not alone in her fear and confusion around HIPAA. Today, I would like...

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Why is Self Disclosure sometimes a Powerful tool?

In therapy schools, we are trained very well, and when we come out of graduate school, we are armed with Do and Don’t lists for providing quality therapy. Some topics on the To Do list are Join with the client where they are. This covers positive regard, genuinely engaging with the client, and communicate empathy. Build a therapeutic alliance. Trust building, communication, development...

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